Internal Installation
Loft installation is usually practical for the smaller "Galaxies", larger ones like the "20" and "23"
are usually too big. However if the loft is large enough they can be used there and where you are upgrading,
a "17" can be upgraded to the "20" and up to the "23", by simply bolting on single extensions as required.
This is costly when mail ordering as you have to meet the extra carriage costs. A loft "20" or "23" doesn’t
need the extra bracing outriggers of the outdoor version, and can be built up as required.
Twin Masts
Where extra strength is wanted, eg. taller than average masts, "twin" the mast for rigidity. On walls fit
a second set of brackets alongside and close to the first set. The second mast can then be clamped to the
original using 2" to 1" cross clamps and one inch diameter crossbars.The twin mast can even be used to climb
up and fit the actual aerial!. On chimneys fit a second set of double lashinges at 90 degrees to the original
one on the same corner of the chimney and then cross bar the two masts together using the 2" to 1"
cross clamps. A simpler cheaper way is to use 2" to 2" in line clamps to clamp the second mast directly
to the original one, but the whole weight is taken by the original brackets and thus is not as strong.
This however is a quick way to protect the point at which the mast leaving the bracket is subject to maximum
stress, possibly causing work hardening on aluminium masts.
Some locations can require use of an aerial rotator. The Galaxie "17" is close to the maximum windload
of a lightweight rototator, which usually uses threecore cable, and has a simple mechanism. Heavy duty
rotators are more complex using multi-core cable and electronic servo mechamisms.They are heavier and more
liable to failure. Lightweight rotators can be assisted by use of an alignment bearing, enabling them to
handle "20"s and "23"s. A modified range of Galaxies is available to help where windloading is a problem.
See Specifications for details. Rotators should be used at least once weekly to avoid jamming through lack of use.
Use it or lose it!.